Sprint Enabled Startups.

Our approach to build and launch startups is based around certain, connected, time-boxed sprints that streamline the innovation process and drive impactful results.

Although the visual suggests a nicely orchestrated end-to-end process, building startups or developing products and services is never linear.

  • Business/Founder Alignment
    Aligning Vision and Strategy: Leveraging the Lean Canvas to ensure our project tackles the right problems aligned with your vision

  • User & Market Research
    Understanding Market Dynamics: Conducting thorough research to validate the viability of your solution early on

  • Design Sprint
    Problem and Solution Validation: Using Design Thinking and Human-Centered-Design to build and test solutions with potential users

  • MVP Planning & Roadmapping
    Mapping Your MVP: Developing a Product Roadmap to create and launch your minimum viable product efficiently

  • User Experience (UX) Design
    Crafting User Journeys: Designing intuitive, human-centred experiences for your product

  • Visual & User Interface Design
    Defining Visual Identity: Aligning the style and interface of your solution with your brand identity

  • (No) Code Sprint
    Selecting No-Code Solutions: A five-day process to choose and implement the best no-code technology stack

  • Agile Development & Operations
    Building and Launching: Using Agile methodologies to develop and launch your software solution effectively


AI Driven Innovation.

AI isn't just the future – it's transforming innovation today. We use generative AI, machine learning, data science and storytelling to take human creativity to the next level, creating solutions backed by real world insights. This revolutionary ‘AI Assisted Innovation’ approach elevates ideas beyond traditional thinking and gives organisations and startup founders a powerful edge in uncovering untapped innovation for growth.

We offer three customised pathways for your innovation journey: be it sparking creativity, proving out concepts or constructing a business foundation.
Let us take you from ideation to execution - and learn about AI along the way!

  • AI Powered Process Optimisation
    Harness the power of AI to automate workflows, enhance productivity, and revolutionise your operational efficiency

  • AI Assisted Workshops
    Experience first hand how to use Generative AI to drive innovation with our AI Assisted Workshops

  • AI Driven Design Thinking
    Get inspired by our Generative AI Double Diamond ideation framework and learn how it is disrupting your world today

  • Generative AI Prototyping
    Develop working prototypes and solutions based on generative AI in a pressure cooker format


The Launchpad.

Everything you need to start your founder journey. Learn from our own journey of building and launching startups, as well as failing.
Let us take you from idea to launch and beyond with live startup bootcamps and online courses to kickstart and accelerate your founder journey.

Join us to access the tools and insights you need to turn your ideas into successful startups.

  • Ideate
    Spark Your Ideas: Explore creative techniques and strategies to generate and refine your startup ideas

  • Incubate
    Nurture Your Vision: Develop and prototype your concepts with the support of our resources and guidance

  • Accelerate /n Boost Your Progress: Implement and scale your startup with our structured methodologies and tools

  • Growth Hacking
    Maximise Your Impact: Deploy advanced tactics to optimise growth, scale market reach, and drive success


Get in touch!

Ready to strategise and revolutionise your business or startup with AI?
Felix is your game-changer.


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